Our Mission

To offer programming to war-affected newcomers and immigrants including refugees, especially women, Girls Youth and children, to acquire employment and overall wellness in Canada.

Harambee - is a Swahili saying that means “Lets Pull together”. It encourages the citizens to work together locally to develop peace.

Together. Encouraging. Educating. Changing.

The Excel Empowerment Centre

The Centre is a peace building organization. It’s values, commitments and programs are oriented to peace and reconciliation between people and to the full inclusion of all people in the community and to access the basic necessities of life with dignity. The project is among people whose families and networks are known to each other and so are invested in the success of the project. Part of the work of the Centre is to develop local leadership capacity, as well as to develop the economic independence of the women and Girls and the Children in Canada and in Bor Jonglei State, South Sudan.

In Canada we have our headquarters at 580 Victor Street in Winnipeg’s downtown/West End neighbourhood as of 2018. We provide a community centre for skills training and education. As of 2021 we are a registered charity in Canada.

Located in Winnipeg

Empowering communities with programs for women, girls and children at our centre space in Winnipeg’s West End

Located in Winnipeg

Empowering communities with programs for women, girls and children at our centre space in Winnipeg’s West End


Diaspora giving back to their communities, we believe in the strength of the local communities where we work, when a woman has a strong support behind the change can happen with one decision, one movement, one action, sustainable change takes place. Our holistic approach is to help people fulfill their basic needs – shelter, safety and belonging. We believe that when someone has a shelter, employed and engaged in their community, they are better able to be self sufficient and face life’s challenges and build a more positive future

Our Greatest supporters

Visit Us


Canadian Location

580 Victor Street
Winnipeg, MB R3G 1R2


(204) 218-8830 Email: teecmbss@gmail.com


South Sudan Location

Bor Jonglei State

Address: 283 Block 6
8am- 4pm

(211) 915-524738 Email: teecborss@gmail.com

(211) 922-320715

Contact us.

(204) 218-8830

580 Victor Street
Winnipeg, MB R3G 1R2