Promoting Peace and Inclusivity: TEEC Community Center in Jonglei, South Sudan


South Sudan, a young nation that gained independence in 2011, has faced numerous challenges throughout its tumultuous history. Emerging from decades of civil war, the people of South Sudan have strived to rebuild their nation and foster peace within their communities. In the Jonglei region, located in the heart of the country, an organization known as TEEC (The Empowerment and Equality Coalition) has played a significant role in promoting peace, reconciliation, and inclusivity. As a testament to their commitment, TEEC has established a remarkable community center in Jonglei, serving as a beacon of hope and unity for the local population.

A Brief History of South Sudan:

South Sudan's path to independence was marked by years of struggle and suffering. The region had long been marred by conflict as it sought to break away from Sudan and establish its own nation. In 2005, the Comprehensive Peace Agreement brought a glimmer of hope, granting South Sudan autonomy and paving the way for a referendum on independence. In 2011, the people of South Sudan overwhelmingly voted in favor of secession, leading to the birth of the world's newest nation.

The Jonglei Region:

Situated in the eastern part of South Sudan, the Jonglei region has faced its share of challenges. Its diverse population, composed of several ethnic groups including the Dinka, Nuer, and Murle, has endured intercommunal tensions and violence for years. The region's vastness, coupled with limited infrastructure and resources, has further compounded the difficulties faced by its inhabitants. However, amidst these challenges, the people of Jonglei have demonstrated resilience and a deep longing for peace.

TEEC: A Catalyst for Change:

Recognizing the need for sustainable peace and development, TEEC, a visionary organization based in Winnipeg, Canada, embarked on a mission to support communities in South Sudan. With its core values of empowerment, equality, and inclusivity, TEEC aimed to foster reconciliation, create opportunities, and improve the lives of the people in Jonglei and beyond.

The Construction of the Community Center:

As part of its ambitious goals, TEEC embarked on the construction of a community center in the heart of Jonglei. This center serves as a symbol of unity and a platform for dialogue and collaboration among different ethnic groups in the region. Designed as a multifunctional space, the community center hosts various activities and initiatives aimed at promoting peace, reconciliation, and inclusivity.

The center provides a safe and neutral space where community members can come together to engage in dialogue, share their experiences, and work towards common goals. It offers vocational training programs, educational workshops, and cultural events, fostering skill development and promoting cross-cultural understanding. Moreover, the center serves as a hub for conflict resolution efforts, providing mediation services and supporting grassroots initiatives to address intercommunal tensions.

Impact and Future Prospects:

Since its inauguration, the TEEC community center in Jonglei has already made a profound impact on the local community. It has become a place where people from different backgrounds can come together, transcend their differences, and forge lasting relationships. Through various initiatives, the center has empowered individuals, promoted gender equality, and facilitated social and economic development.

Looking ahead, TEEC plans to expand the reach and impact of the community center. It aims to establish partnerships with local organizations, government agencies, and international stakeholders to ensure the sustainability and long-term success of its initiatives. By continuing to foster peace, reconciliation, and inclusivity, TEEC and the community center in Jonglei are actively contributing to the growth and prosperity of South Sudan.


In a nation where peace and reconciliation are paramount, the TEEC community

In South Sudan, in Jonglei State, we have a community resource centre to support Women’s education and training. A new building project is underway.