Stitching Hope: TEEC and MCC Empower South Sudanese Women in Winnipeg

Right in the heart of Winnipeg, something really special is happening. The Evangelical Fellowship of Canada (TEEC) and Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) have teamed up to make a big difference in the lives of South Sudanese women. They're doing it through sewing classes and a cool sewing program, and the impact goes way beyond just making clothes.

The Background:

South Sudan has been through a lot of tough times, with conflicts and instability causing a lot of people to leave their homes. Many South Sudanese refugees found a new home in Winnipeg, Canada. But settling into a new place, dealing with language differences, and trying to make ends meet isn't easy. TEEC and MCC stepped in to offer a helping hand.

The Sewing Program:

TEEC came up with a sewing program that's changing lives. It's not just about sewing; it's about learning skills that make a big difference. Women in the program start from scratch, learning how to use a sewing machine and eventually creating special things like dignity kits and comfort blankets. But it's more than just sewing; it's about giving these women a sense of pride and independence.

Dignity Kits:

Dignity kits are a way of saying, "You matter." These kits have important hygiene items that help women maintain their health and dignity, especially in tough situations. Women in the sewing program take real pride in making these kits. They're not just learning valuable skills; they're also making a positive impact on other women, both in their local community and around the world.

Comfort Blankets:

Comfort blankets aren't just about staying warm; they're about feeling safe and cared for. South Sudanese women pour love into making these blankets, knowing that they'll provide comfort to those who need it most. Whether they're sent to refugee camps or given to local shelters, these blankets bring real support and comfort.

TEEC and MCC Working Together:

The success of this sewing program is all thanks to TEEC and MCC teaming up. TEEC knows how to connect with communities and empower people, while MCC has a ton of experience in helping people in tough situations. Together, they've created a program that teaches important skills and builds a sense of belonging and support among South Sudanese women in Winnipeg.

Building a Community:

This sewing program isn't just about making stuff; it's about building a community. Women who may have felt alone and disconnected when they arrived in Winnipeg now have friends and allies. These sewing classes are a place for laughter, sharing stories, and forming lasting friendships.

Changing Lives, One Stitch at a Time:

The impact of TEEC and MCC's sewing program goes way beyond the things they make. It's a testament to the strength of South Sudanese women who are seizing this chance to rebuild their lives. By learning skills, helping others, and connecting with their community, these women are rewriting their stories and looking ahead to a brighter future.

In Winnipeg, the power of working together, showing compassion, and being creative is making a big difference. Through sewing, South Sudanese women are weaving hope and empowerment into their lives, with the support of TEEC, MCC, and their new community. They're proving that hope and strength can be stitched into the fabric of resilience, one stitch at a time.

Dignity Kits and Comfort Blankets are prepared in partnership with MCC to be sent overseas.


Empowering Girls and Women in South Sudan


The TEEC centre in Jonglei, South Sudan: Construction